
Effects allow Reducers to request the execution of code that would break the purity of the reducer . In this way, we can describe I/O and other interactions directly from the reducer, without directly executing them.

Writing effects

The type lager::effect is defined in the library as:

template <typename Action, typename Deps = lager::deps<>>
using effect = std::function<void(const context<Action, Deps>&)>;

This is, an effect is just a procedure that takes some lager::context as an argument.

The context is parametrized over an Action type. This allows the effect to deliver new actions by using the lager::context::dispatch() method. For example, if you tried to write a file in an effect, you probably want to dispatch actions to inform the system about whether the operation succeeded or failed. The context also has an optional Deps parameter, which allows the effect to use a dependency injection mechanism to get access to services that it might need to perform the side effects.

To produce an effect, you can just return it from the reducer. In the previous section we learnt that Reducers are functions with a signature of the form:

auto update(Model, Action) -> Model;

However, a reducer may alternatively be a function of the form:

auto update(Model, Action) -> std::pair<Model, lager::effect<Action>>;

The lager::store automatically detects at compile time whether the given reducer returns effects. If it does, it schedules the excution of the effects in the main loop, directly after the evaluation of the update function.


Technically the effectful reducer does not need return a std::pair, but anything that defines std::get and returns a model at index 0 and an effect at index 1. This means that you can use an std::tuple instead, for example. Also, the effect does not need to match the type exactly, it just needs to be convertible to it.

A minimalist example

The simplest useful effect is an effect that simply delivers another action.

In architectural introduction we introduced the notion of intent, a function that maps actions expressed in UI language to actions expressed in application logic language. Later, we showed an example of a reducer that expresses intent by directly calling a reducer with the derived action.

However, sometimes one might prefer to have the reducer return to the main loop before delivering the new action. This allows Lager to see the newly generated action. This means that this action can be inspected in the time travelling debugger and other tools.

The previous example can thus be rewritten using a reducer that, when it receives a UI logic action, communicates intent by returning an effect that delivers an application logic action.

#include <lager/context.hpp>

using action = std::variant<todos_action, todos_command>;

using todos_result = std::pair<todos_model, lager::effect<action>>;

todos_result update(todos_model m, action a)
    return std::visit(lager::visitor{
        [] (const todos_action& a) -> todos_result {
           return {update(m, a), lager::noop};
        [] (const todos_command& c) -> todos_result {
            static const auto command_actions =
              std::map<std::string, std::function<todos_action(std::string)>>{
                "add",    [] (auto arg) { return add_todo{arg}; },
                "remove", [] (auto arg) { return remove_todo{std::stoi(arg)}; },
                "toggle", [] (auto arg) { return toggle_todo{std::stoi(arg)}; },
            auto it = command_actions.find(c.command);
            if (it == command_actions.end())
                return {m, lager::noop};
            else {
                auto new_action = it->second(c.argument);
                return {m, [] (auto&& ctx) {
    }, a);

Note how we use a std::variant to combine the business logic action type (todo_action) with the UI logic action (todos_command). When we receive a business logic action, we just forward to its reducer. When we receive a UI level action, we figure out whether this action should result in a business logic action, and if so, we deliver it via an effect.


We used lager::noop as an empty effect in the paths that do not require one. It can be more efficient than using [] (auto&&) {} because Lager detects it, completely bypassing the evaluation of the effect.

Dependency passing

Oftentimes, the effect will need to access some service in order to do its deed. For example, when performing asynchronous IO it may need to access some boost::asio::io_context. Or maybe the effect should forward to some other service of your own that encapsulates the I/O logic. By definition, these types are referential, so you can not put them in the model or the action that is passed to the reducer that generates the effect.

Instead, the framework can deliver these services for you by declaring the dependency in the effect signature using the lager::deps type. For example, an effect that wants a reference to a boost::asio::io_context can be declared like this:

lager::effect<action, lager::deps<boost::asio::io_context&>> eff =
    [] (auto&& ctx) {
        auto& io = get<boost::asio::io_context>(ctx);
        io.post([] { ... }); // for example

If the reducer returns such an effect, the store will pass the dependencies to it, embeded in the context. The get() function is used to access the dependencies inside the effect. For this to work, we need to provide the dependencies to the store by using lager::with_deps() as an extra argument to the lager::make_store() factory:

auto io    = boost::asio::io_context{};
auto store = lager::make_store(
    // ...

If you fail to provide all the dependencies required for the effects, there will be a compilation error.


Dependencies are passed by value by default. Use std::ref to mark the dependencies that shall be passed by reference.

Identifying dependencies

In the previous example, there is ony one instance of boost::asio::io_context that is passed to all the effects that are evaluated within the Lager context. This is a good replacement of the singleton design pattern: there is a single instance, but there is low physical coupling and you can still replace the instance in a different context, particularly in unit tests.

However, we often will need to have multiple instances of a type provided to different subsystems. We can declare type tags to differentiate these instances using these types as keys:

struct foo_dep {};
struct bar_dep {};

    foo_effect = [] (auto&& ctx) {
        auto& io = get<foo_dep>(ctx);
        // ...

    bar_effect = [] (auto&& ctx) {
        auto& io = get<bar_dep>(ctx);
        // ...

Now we can provide two separate io_context instances for the two subsystems:

using boost::asio::io_context;
auto foo_io = io_context{};
auto bar_io = io_context{};
auto store  = lager::make_store(
    // ...
        lager::dep::as<lager::dep::key<foo_dep, io_context&>>(foo_io),
        lager::dep::as<lager::dep::key<bar_dep, io_context&>>(bar_io)));

Using this technique, the names of the dependencies are still static. This makes the mechanism very efficient and ensures that dependency mismatches are cought at compile time.

If the number of instances of a dependency is determined dynamically, you will need to define a kind of manager for these instances and provide this manager as a service instead. This naturally involves defining a identity scheme for these dependencies, such that the effects that required them can refer to them.

Other dependency specs

The type lager::dep::key is a dependency specification, used to describe how the dependency is required. There are other specifications, and they can be combined:

  • lager::dep::opt is used to notate optional dependencies. There won’t be a compilation error if a depedency is missing when a module requests it as optional. Instead, get may throw an exception. You can check if the dependency is provided using lager::has().
  • lager::dep::fn is used to notate lazy dependencies. These may not be available directly when building the store, but are instead to be requested lazily through a provided function.