if typeof global is "object" and global?.global is global
chai = require 'chai'
heterarchy = require '../heterarchy'
This file is part of Heterarchy.
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Tests for multiple inheritance support.
Most test heterarchies are taken from the original C3 paper
if typeof global is "object" and global?.global is global
chai = require 'chai'
heterarchy = require '../heterarchy'
chai = window.chai
heterarchy = window.heterarchy
{expect} = chai
should = do chai.should
describe 'heterarchy', ->
{multi, mro, hierarchy, inherited, isinstance, issubclass} = heterarchy
Class heterarchy from the Dylan paper, figure 5. Make sure the linearization respects the Extended Precedence Graph.
class Pane
class EditingMixin
class EditablePane extends multi Pane, EditingMixin
class ScrollingMixin
class ScrollablePane extends multi Pane, ScrollingMixin
class EditableScrollablePane extends multi ScrollablePane, EditablePane
Class heterarchy from the Dylan paper, figure 4. Example of compatibility with CLOS.
class ChoiceWidget
class PopupMixin
class Menu extends ChoiceWidget
class NewPopupMenu extends multi Menu, PopupMixin, ChoiceWidget
Class heterarchy from the Dylan paper, figure 2. Make sure linearization is monotonic.
class Boat
class DayBoat extends Boat
class WheelBoat extends Boat
class EngineLess extends DayBoat
class SmallMultiHull extends DayBoat
class PedalWheelBoat extends multi EngineLess, WheelBoat
class SmallCatamaran extends SmallMultiHull
class Pedalo extends multi PedalWheelBoat, SmallCatamaran
Hierarchy of classes with methods and constructors that use super.
class A
constructor: ->
@a = 'a'
method: -> "A"
@classMethod: -> "A"
@overrideNoSuper: -> "a"
class B extends A
constructor: ->
@b = 'b'
method: -> "B>#{super}"
@classMethod: -> "B>#{super}"
@overrideNoSuper: -> "b"
class C extends A
constructor: ->
@c = 'c'
method: -> "C>#{super}"
@classMethod: -> "C>#{super}"
@overrideNoSuper: -> "c"
class D extends multi B, C
constructor: ->
@d = 'd'
method: -> "D>#{super}"
@classMethod: -> "D>#{super}"
@overrideNoSuper: -> "d"
class E extends A
constructor: ->
@e = 'e'
method: -> "E>#{super}"
@classMethod: -> "E>#{super}"
@overrideNoSuper: -> "e"
class F extends multi C, E
constructor: ->
@f = 'f'
method: -> "F>#{super}"
@classMethod: -> "F>#{super}"
@overrideNoSuper: -> "f"
class G extends multi D, F
constructor: ->
@g = 'g'
method: -> "G>#{super}"
@classMethod: -> "G>#{super}"
@overrideNoSuper: -> "g"
Hierarchy of classes where classes that only inherit from
magically get a superclass in a multiple inheritance
class Base1
classProperty: 42
constructor: ->
@base1 = 'base1'
class Base2
classProperty: ->
constructor: ->
@base2 = 'base2'
class Deriv extends multi Base1, Base2
constructor: ->
@deriv = 'deriv'
describe 'mro', ->
it 'generates empty linearization for arbitrary object', ->
(mro {}).should.eql []
it 'generates empty linearization for null object', ->
(mro undefined).should.eql []
(mro null).should.eql []
it 'generates a monotonic linearization', ->
(mro Pedalo).should.eql [
Pedalo, PedalWheelBoat, EngineLess, SmallCatamaran,
SmallMultiHull, DayBoat, WheelBoat, Boat, Object]
it 'respects local precedence', ->
(mro NewPopupMenu).should.eql [
NewPopupMenu, Menu, PopupMixin, ChoiceWidget, Object]
it 'respects the extended precedence graph', ->
(mro EditableScrollablePane).should.eql [
EditableScrollablePane, ScrollablePane, EditablePane,
Pane, ScrollingMixin, EditingMixin, Object ]
describe 'multi', ->
describe 'instance methods', ->
it 'calls super properly in multi case', ->
obj = new D
(mro D).should.eql [D, B, C, A, Object]
obj.method().should.equal 'D>B>C>A'
it 'calls super properly in recursive multi case', ->
obj = new G
(mro G).should.eql [G, D, B, F, C, E, A, Object]
obj.method().should.equal 'G>D>B>F>C>E>A'
describe 'class methods', ->
it 'calls super properly in multi case', ->
D.classMethod().should.equal 'D>B>C>A'
it 'calls super properly in recursive multi case', ->
method is overridden
G.classMethod().should.equal 'G>D>B>F>C>E>A'
closure for not overwriting the value of e.g. A
do (A, B, C) ->
method is not overridden
class A
@classMethod: ->
return super + 'Base1'
class B
@classMethod: ->
return 'Base2'
class C extends multi A, B
C.classMethod().should.equal 'Base2Base1'
it 'overrides class methods properly in recursive multi case', ->
exclude Object
for cls in mro(G)[0...-1]
cls.overrideNoSuper().should.equal cls.name.toLowerCase()
it 'gets constructed properly', ->
obj = new D
obj.d .should.equal 'd'
obj.c .should.equal 'c'
obj.b .should.equal 'b'
obj.a .should.equal 'a'
it 'can generates the original hierarchy when possible', ->
(hierarchy D).should.not.eql mro D
(hierarchy inherited D).should.not.eql mro(D)[1..]
(hierarchy inherited inherited D).should.eql mro(D)[2..]
it 'memoizes generated superclasses', ->
(inherited D).should.equal multi B, C
it 'throws error on inconsistent hierarchy', ->
(-> multi D, C, B)
.should.throw "Inconsistent multiple inheritance"
((A, B, C) ->
class A
class B extends A
class C extends multi A, B)
.should.throw "Inconsistent multiple inheritance"
it 'makes sure the next constructor after a root class', ->
obj = new Deriv
obj.base1 .should.equal 'base1'
obj.base2 .should.equal 'base2'
obj.deriv .should.equal 'deriv'
it 'allows access class properties', ->
obj = new Deriv
obj.classProperty .should.equal 42
it 'allows class properties to be set via object', ->
obj = new Deriv
obj.classProperty = 12
obj.classProperty .should.equal 12
Deriv::classProperty .should.equal 42
it 'does not polute core classes', ->
should.not.exist Object::__mro__
should.not.exist Function::__mro__
should.not.exist Number::__mro__
should.not.exist Boolean::__mro__
should.not.exist String::__mro__
if typeof Promise isnt "undefined"
should.not.exist Promise::__mro__
if typeof Map isnt "undefined"
should.not.exist Map::__mro__
if typeof Set isnt "undefined"
should.not.exist Set::__mro__
describe 'freezes class properties', ->
This is just a limitation of the approach and these tests are here to document it. Ideally we would get rid of it in the future.
it 'makes changes invisible to children', ->
obj = new Deriv
Base1::classProperty = 12
Deriv::classProperty .should.equal 42
obj.classProperty .should.equal 42
it 'makes new properties invisible to children', ->
obj = new Deriv
Base1::newClassProperty = 'sth'
should.not.exist Deriv::newClassProperty
should.not.exist obj.newClassProperty
describe 'isinstance', ->
it 'checks the classes of an object even with multiple inheritance', ->
(isinstance new D, D).should.be.true
(isinstance new D, B).should.be.true
(isinstance new D, C).should.be.true
(isinstance new D, A).should.be.true
(isinstance new D, Object).should.be.true
(isinstance new A, Object).should.be.true
(isinstance new Object, A).should.be.false
(isinstance new Pedalo, D).should.be.false
(isinstance new Pedalo, A).should.be.false
(isinstance new Pedalo, SmallCatamaran).should.be.true
describe 'issubclass', ->
it 'checks the relations of classes even with multiple inheritance', ->
(issubclass D, D).should.be.true
(issubclass D, B).should.be.true
(issubclass D, C).should.be.true
(issubclass D, A).should.be.true
(issubclass D, Object).should.be.true
(issubclass A, Object).should.be.true
(issubclass Object, A).should.be.false
(issubclass Pedalo, D).should.be.false
(issubclass Pedalo, A).should.be.false
(issubclass Pedalo, SmallCatamaran).should.be.true
Copyright (c) 2013, 2015 Juan Pedro Bolivar Puente raskolnikov@gnu.org
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